Basic Rules

1. We have zero tolerance for slurs, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and sexism.

2. Be kind to others. If you see someone breaking a rule or being rude to you or others, do not engage them. Simply private message an admin or moderator.

3. Please do not spam.

4. If a user politely asks you to drop a conversation because it is triggering to them, please do. If you ask someone to drop something, do it nicely.

5. Keep all RP in the RP threads.

6. Swearing is not allowed.

7. Please do not discuss politics, religion, or any other potentially controversial topics.

8. Keep threads on topic/don't hijack others' threads.

9. Do not necropost. Responding to threads that have gone at least 3 months with no activity is considered necroposting.

10. Art theft and tracing is unacceptable. Using a base is fine, but only if you give credit to the original artist.

Roleplay Rules

1. Please keep things realistic. Your character cannot have any supernatural powers besides a s piritual connection with Star Clan, and even this can only go so far. Any special powers granted by Star Clan will need to be decided on a case by case basis. In addition, keep your character's physical appearance realistic. This means no neon or unnatural colors. Make sure any disabilities your character has are realistic as well; if your character could not survive with their disabilities in real life, they cannot survive here.

2. Respect others wishes for their characters at all times. You are only able to control your character. If another user does not want their character to become mates with your character, for example, do not force them.

3. Any character deaths must be approved by the owner of the character. If a character is gravely injured in a fight, the opposing cat is not allowed to kill them without permission. Instead, the cat will be able to limp back to a healer or medicine cat to receive treatment.

4. No sexual roleplay is permitted.

5. Keep graphic descriptions to a minimum. If you wouldn't read it in a warriors book, you shouldn't post it here.

6. Cats under 12 moons old are not allowed to take mates. No exceptions.

7. Medicine cats and their apprentices are the only characters allowed to have an extensive knowledge of herbs.

8. You may only have two high ranking characters at a time.

9. High ranking characters must roleplay regularly.

10. Breaking the warrior code is only allowed if it would make sense in the roleplay.

11. Please do not create new threads in the RP categories. Just add to the ones that are already made!

12. Please keep all roleplay in the third person so we can easily tell which character is speaking.


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